Visual Studio Project Diagnostics for IIS/IIS Express ===================================================== By `Lex Li`_ This page shows you how to use Visual Studio Project Diagnostics. Background ---------- Visual Studio web projects contain some IIS settings, while VS also writes some settings directly to IIS/IIS Express configuration files. Sometimes such settings go out of sync and you simply hit the famous errors such as "Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server". .. important:: You might spend enough time to dig into the different files on your own to achieve the same goal, * ``applicationHost.config`` for IIS Express. * Project file ``.csproj``. * ``launchSettings.json``. The Built-in Visual Studio Project Diagnostics ---------------------------------------------- For web sites opened in Jexus Manager, there is an action called Project Diagnostics showed. .. image:: _static/vs_diag.png A report is generated when "Generate Report" button is clicked. .. image:: _static/vs_report.png Typical things analyzed by Project Diagnostics, * Visual Studio project type, ASP.NET 4.x or ASP.NET Core. * Different files that control the settings. * IIS/IIS Express related settings are extracted and displayed for reference. * Automatic error detection to locate typical out-of-sync issues. Related Resources ----------------- - :doc:`/getting-started/install` - :doc:`/getting-started/features` - :doc:`/tutorials/https-binding` - :doc:`/tutorials/binding-diagnostics` - :doc:`/tutorials/ssl-diagnostics` - :doc:`/tutorials/inplace-elevation` - :doc:`/tutorials/self-signed`